To convert your driving licence to a Slovak one, you must apply with the Road Traffice Authority (dopravný inšpektorát) at the District Office (okresný úrad) in the jurisdiction of which you are a resident (as per your residency card, i.e. povolenie na pobyt). 

You can apply for the SK driving licence provided you are a legal resident and have been legally in the country for more than 185 days. After you have complied with the requirement of having your residency in Slovakia for 185 days, you have a 60-day window of opportunity to apply for the Slovak driving licence. 

Should you fail to convert your driving licence as per the requirement above, your original driving licence becomes invalid in Slovakia. 

Before filing your application, you must have your driving licence officially translated into Slovak, together with a document from your home country stating that you had been issued your original driving licence and that you are not under a ban to use it in relation to an offence you might have committed when operating a vehicle back home. Such proof of an existing driving licence can also be obtained from your embassy in Slovakia, provided there is one. It is advisable this proof be issued in both your native language and English, as it, too, must be officially translated into Slovak and English is the most widespread language translated from, so it can be done within a couple of hours. 

There is a duty stamp you need to buy at the Road Traffice Authority's office upon filing your application (you must also show them your residency permit and hand in your original driving licence).

There are two options. You can get the Slovak DL within a 30-day period for EUR 6.50

Or you can get your new DL in 2 days for EUR 26. 

In addition to filling in the application you can download here under the products section, you will have to fill in an affidavit where you state you have been a legal resident in the country for the statutory period, that you do not possess any other driving licence and are authorized to drive. 

Just fill your details by analogy as per the application form, date and sign. 

Best of luck!





Residence requirements

Permanent or temporary residence for a minimum period of 185 days in the calendar year the individual files for a driving licence or in the previous calendar year, or being a student in the Slovak territory for a period of at least 6 months.