Translation of an INVITATION LETTER

Translation of an INVITATION LETTER


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  • A letter of invitation is a supporting document addressed to the Slovak Republic embassy or consulate to facilitate its decision-making in the process of issuing a Schengen visa. The invitation may be replaced by a Hosting Agreement (this concerns hosting foreigners who will engage in research and development activities in Slovakia).

    An alien (a third country national only) may be invited by a natural person who is:

    • a citizen of the Slovak Republic with permanent residence in the territory of the Slovak Republic,
    • a foreigner with legal residence in the territory of the Slovak Republic or
    • a legal entity domiciled in the territory of the Slovak Republic.

    The invitation is submitted on an official form, which contains details of the inviting person, the purpose for which the foreigner is invited to the territory of the Slovak Republic, the obligation of the inviting person to pay all costs related to the stay and departure of the invited foreigner. The application for inviting a foreigner must be accompanied by a proof of payment of an administrative fee worth 33.00 EUR.

    The invitation shall be supplemented with documents (not older than 90 days) proving the purpose of stay and the ability of the inviting person to pay all costs associated with the stay and departure of the invited foreigner (i.e., a bank account balance statement of the inviting person where the balance must be roughly EUR 2 700.00), proof of accommodation.

    A person may be invited if s/he is a:

    • relative (only: a parent, child, grandparent, grandchild, sibling, husband, wife, son/daughter-in-law),
    • a person other than a relative: such a person may be invited only with the consent of the Ministry of Interior of the Slovak Republic.

    Invitation by a legal entity

    A legal entity or a natural person authorized to conduct business may invite a foreigner to the territory of the Slovak Republic if such foreigner is engaged in a similar business activity.

    A requirement of the business invitation is to indicate the function of the inviter in the company, business name, registered office and the inviter's business.

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