Translation of a MEMORANDUM OF ASSOCIATION - the price is quoted per standard page = 270 words

Translation of a MEMORANDUM OF ASSOCIATION - the price is quoted per standard page = 270 words


Articles of Association is a document that regulates a company’s external activities and must be drawn up on the formation of a registered or incorporated company. As the company’s charter, it forms the company’s constitution together with the company’s articles of association and is a part of the company’s file administered by the companies house.

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  • Articles of Incorporation 

    are a set of formal instruments filed with a government body to legally document the creation of a corporation. Articles of Incorporation must contain the firm’s name, street address, agent for service of process and the amount and type of stock to be issued. 

    How to proceed if you need certified translation services. 

    Memorandum of Association / Articles of Incorporation. 

    The official translation of a memorandum of association requires the translated document be bound by a professional translator with the original. 

    The official articles of incorporation translation consists of (usually) several pages, which the translator endorses with his official stamp. 

    Front page: Identifies the official translator and the client. 

    The client identification must include: full name and domicile of the legal entity who is placing the translation oder or the one the articles of incorporation refer to or, alternately, the name of the entity's statutory representative.

    Next page(s): the original memorandum of association / articles of incorporation. 

    The translation must be done by a sworn translator authorised by the judicial authorities of the respective state.    

    The last page of the sworn translation of the memorandum of association / articles of incorporation includes the translator's declaration stating that this is a true and correct translation of the original. It bears the imprint of the translator's official stamp and his signature. 

    How to proceed if you already have the memorandum of association / articles of incorporation?

    1. All pages of the memorandum or the articles must be scanned. 

    2. Upload the scanned document via ILUMINATA e-shop at or attach it to an e-mail addressed to   

    3. Select the target language. 

    4. According to the target language and the method of delivery and picking up the physical copy of the memorandum of association / articles of incorporation, you will receive an e-bill with the date and manner of delivery. 


    Client request: official translation of the memorandum of association from English into Slovak to be collected in person in Bratislava.

    How to proceed: 

    1. Upload the scanned memorandum

    2. Specify target language

    3. Pay the invoice 

    4. Book your collection time at or by calling +421 903 615 028.

    5. Do not forget to bring the original copy of the memorandum with you. 

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