Translation of an EMPLOYMENT CONTRACT - the price is quoted per standard page = 270 words
Employment contract is an agreement that sets out an employee’s employment conditions, rights, responsibilities and duties. These are called the terms of contract.
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How to proceed if you need a translation of your employment contract
The official translation of the employment contract requires the translated document be bound with the original. It usually consists of several pages, which the translator endorses with his official stamp.
Front page: Identifies the official translator and the client.
The client data must include: the first and last name and the address of the person who is placing the translation order or of the person the employment contract refers to.
Following pages: the original employment contract document
Subsequent thereto: translation of the employment contract into the target language.
The translation must be done by an official translator authorised by the judicial authorities of the respective state.
Last page: Translator's Certificate. The last page of the official translation of the employment contract consists of the translator's declaration in both, the original and the target language, stating that the translation is true and correct. It bears the imprint of the translator's official stamp and his signature.
How to proceed if I already have the employment contract from my employer?
1. The employment contract needs to be scanned.
2. You can upload the scan of the employment contract to be translated via our e-shop or send it by e-mail addressed to
3. Select the target language.
4. According to the target language and the method of delivery and collection of your employment contract, you will receive an e-bill with the date and manner of delivery.
Request: translation of the employment contract from Slovak into Ukrainian with, to be collected in person in Poprad
Steps of the process:
1. Bring the employment contract to the ILUMINATA office at Námestie sv. Egídia 18/41 (the ALFA building) during our business hours between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m.
2. You will be charged 50% advance payment and asked to fill in the order form.
3. You can pick up the translation on the date announced on the spot or we will send it to you as priority post to the address you provide for this purpose if you pay the full price of the translation when placing your oder.
4. Do not forget to bring the original document.