Serial number from the Registry of issued DL or IDL (to be filled in by the Road Traffic Authority)*……………………
To be filled in by the applicant:
for making a change in driver‘s registration
Applicant's details:
Last name ( academic degree) ...................................................................... First name …………....…………..........…
Last name at birth:......................... Social security number **):...................
Permanent residence (in SK): ……….................................……………………......................................…….......................…..............………........
Type and number of identity card (povolenie na pobyt + its respective #) Citizenship.............................
I hereby apply for:
Write "vydanie VP" here (issuing a driver's licence)
At ………….., date……..
applicant's signature
*) if no new DL is issued, do not fill in
**) if the applicant has not been assigned a social security number, date of birth shall be provided
T MV SR 12-041 III/2001
To be completed by the Road Traffic Authority:
the applicant submitted their DL series :……………. no.: ………………………. issued on :…………………. by: ……………………
the applicant submitted their IDL of the series: ……… …. no.: ……………………. issued on :……………. …. by: …………………
if applicable, other documents : ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
The Applicant has paid duty stamp worth……………………………….
I confirm that I have accepted into my possession a driver's licence of the series: ………………… No.: ……………………………..
IDL series: ………….. …… no.: …………………………..
applicant's signature
Place for affixing duty stamps and other notes of the Road Traffic Authority:
stamp and signature of the RTA employee